First blog post here. I thought I'd share the newest designs added to the website. What I want to add here is my thoughts about my designs, and maybe also show my design process, what inspires my designs and the cars I like. Hopefully it will give you a feel for my style and help you with custom design requests from Vinyl Houze. While I do have designs to offer, I'd like to do more custom work; whether it's for a team, car related, non-car related, I'd like to offer these services to you. Please contact me if interested! :)
Also, the blog will just get more in-depth on the updates and news.

A few new stickers added to the collection I have on the website. Version 2 of Midnight Mayhem happened just recently. (today actually!) While I like the design of the original, something else was missing, and so I just kept adding on to it. I feel like most of the bordered designs get more attention. What do you think? Two color version of the Midnight Mayhem decal will also be available.